
Friday, 22 July 2016

Can you live with Google Adsense?

Many times I have heard this question Can you live with Google Adsense? Does it really worth investing so much effort to win " a few  dollars" per month? I will try to respond by providing my experience and point of view. Let's talk about Adsense. Some time ago I knew of the existence of issues related to Adsense, Analytics, Blogging and even some Adwords through a professional blogger in my area. Unfortunately "the subject" was not part of the program of business but could access attend it as complementary subject. It was the best thing I did in the race.

What makes Google Adsense so powerful?

One point that makes this advertising model so attractive is that the program Adsense is totally focused user who visits our website. Google thus takes into account the specific tastes of this particular person and tries to show (through ads) content related to those tastes.

 Google is able to know this information because you left the trail on the Internet  when using your information. Thus if you are such a lover of animals and one day you walk into a blog about cooking (your second hobby), it is normal that Adsense show you both ads Restaurants and food, as pet shops and dog trainers to home.  Always tries to focus on a very specific Target.

 Another aspect to highlight this advertising program is that the cost of launching a campaign ad through Google Adsense is "0". Significantly cheaper than advertising in other media offline, such as radio or TV. Now some will be able to think "True, but do an advertising campaign for one of these traditional media can be much more advantageous." The answer is "it depends"... If the visibility of your blog is high (SEO) and you have a high level of visits with Adsense will generate more directly with any radio or print ad.

I love blogging

900 dollars / month with a business blog?

The first time I heard this figure am absolutely impressed. Can you get to live with  blog? The answer is " Of course", however you can not mean it is easy, in fact it is not. I wanted to show through my blog a real example of what a network of professional blogs invoice per month with only 1 of their blogs . Before we make some clarifications:
  • The data will show below belong to a blog of a professional network (I do not put my name at the request of the network itself). And show you this info.
  • Revenues belong only to 1 blog for 1 month. The network of blogs mentioned consists of more than 40 blogs.
  • Despite this I feel that this must be its most profitable blog (or one of the most profitable), but that is something that i was unable to confirmed.
  • The photo were part of the course content itself. It has been developed.

How Google Adsense work?

One of the first points to consider is that the advertising program Google is  quite restrictive . You never have to click on your own ads and much less recommend it to friends or relatives to do so for you to win an "extra pocket money ".

On the other hand you can never use it on sites containing adult content, online (style poker, casino ...) games etc. Encourage people to click is one of the most common practices among novice webmasters and also one of the biggest reasons that a huge amount of revenue forgone blogs every day. Really not worth it, because Google has power to  controlled such practices and has systems that invalidate fraudulent clicks. By the time you get caught or the Holy Spirit will readmit you (well, it is possible that if they do, but it is somewhat complicated).
 Will be entitled to receive payments that your ads have generated once reaches the amount of $ 100, or what is the same, setting about 70 euros.  The sooner you lleges this amount, before Google will extend the check and so again and again. Know that although the first time is difficult to reach $100 web pages that are generated in a few hours. (Yes, hours and only with Adsense).

google money

To end…

When we see this kind of examples we fall into the risk of deviously reality. Making money with Adsense is not easy , in fact, I would add that if you believe strongly about it and work much never see tangible results. The data shown above belong to a company working since 2006 in the blogging, so in any case are data that could be considered "normal" in a satin  blogger. 

On the other hand note that it is "easy" to reach these volumes billing through blogs commercial content (eye, shopping does not have to be bad) and generalist. This makes it easier to capture traffic in the medium / long term with a cooking blog, animals, cars or economy, for example with a blog of  "SEO positioning".

I hope that the post you may have assist or motivation! Finally if you liked subscribe to the blog!? You can read many more posts about Google Adsense high quality here:

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