
Friday, 22 July 2016

Is 150 visits a day enough to insert Google Adsense?

Last week I received an email from one of the blog readers query whether it might be desirable to insert Google Adsense and other ads on your blog. The question came derived from the fact that the blog is still relatively young and has been the perfect excuse to launch a post trying to address this issue at par to do some more tips for Google advertising program.

OK lets start.
Google Adsense

First we go to the issue of whether to insert advertising Adsense from the start or not. At this point there are views of all types. The most radical one hand advise using Adsense from the first day on the blog, and the most radical on the other side say it is better to wait to have large amounts of traffic to do so. In my opinion the average is the best option.
Therefore we will discard insert Adsense from the first day since for ads are set well need content inside and it is not convenient to tell Google that we want to take money from 0 minutes.
Nor it waits too long to use it, since it is necessary to begin early to accustom as soon as possible advertising program Google, so Come  work trial and error with different types of banners that we have available.
From my point of view 150 visits a day is a figure more than enough to introduce this type of advertising and start earning some money, but we must bear in mind that this number of visits even report a number of fairly low income, not But I do not think that's a reason in itself to reject such entries.

How much can you earn from a small blog with Adsense?

Obviously the numbers fluctuate greatly depending on:
  • The theme of the blog
  • Placing ads
But to give you an idea on my tech blog (a theme that pays quite low) with an average of about 400 hits a day gain around 25 to 30 dollars per month .
In this blog banners are fairly well optimized towards their placement and every day there are an average of between 5 to 10 clicks, but each of these clicks has a little pay, usually around an average of 5 to 15 cents.
Case Study: Can we chat together
Let us begin to analyze Mide's blog and see how it could be optimized to obtain good results with Google Adsense.

a / Theme and cost per click

The theme of this blog is somewhat varied. On the one hand issues they are addressed beauty and health literature. Keep in mind that there is a commercial blog focused on a micro niche, but a personal and within this type of blogs touching more than one subject can have its advantages from the point of view of advertising blog:
  • Mide's blog will have a wider range of advertisers and therefore more likely to be any of those advertisers who pay well inserted the click. (Remember to never click on the ads yourself) .
  • Greater possibility of offering segmented to different profiles of readers of your blog advertising. Those interested in beauty ads will be shown cosmetics, to health announcements about fitness etc.
But let's see what matters. How does it pay Google Adsense (or rather advertisers) the click of these issues? Two examples:
Beauty Content:
Of all the blog content we can chat Juntas content related to beauty issues that probably the greatest economic benefits report. In general the themes of this blog does not get a CPC or cost per click too high, but in the case of cosmetics that fluctuates.
An optimal way to meet the CPC of each of the topics that interest us (definitely know how we will pay for writing about these topics) is to use the new scheduler keyword Google (and there is no Keyword Tool or tool Adwords keyword), which soon I will draw an extensive tutorial because now the tool has become slightly more complex to use.
CPC for beauty blog
CPC for beauty blog 

Content of literature:
The CPC that this subject brings from Google Adsense is quite low. Why not advise against using Adsense but it is a fact that could take into account when guiding the contents if you are thinking of getting higher returns. Show another snapshot scheduler keywords:
CPC for Literature blog

CPC for content of literature.

b / Ad Placement

I do not have much experience playing Blogger templates, but so far as I know think it is easier to insert advertising in WordPress as the same templates Blogger usually optimized and simply enter a text widget Html and place it where you want that our ad to displayed.
This is great because it does not have to resort to programming for placing banners in the most optimal locations within our blog.
Here are some tips on placing ads to meet our desire:
  • The first banner that I recommend is inserted which is once you enter a post just below the title . In my case this type of ad I usually configured to display text only because so often get more clicka, but in these cases it is best to keep trying.(The square rectangles 300 × 250 usually work quite well in this position).
  • Immediately after placement would opt for a second rectangle 300 × 250 (this time text and image) and place them at the end of each post. Although it may seem this kind of banner are also those who best work (sometimes even more than the Skycrapers the Header or header).
  • In the blog Mide at first try to avoid banners inside header and sidebar to not affect the image of personal blog that got the benefit of the ads, but this is just a personal opinion ?
place banners on Google Adsense

c / Other possible ways of monetizing this blog

In the particular case of this blog Google Adsense is probably not the most powerful possible monetization platform. However I always recommend using Adsense since I am in love with this advertising platform and any blog traffic is likely to generate good amounts of passive income through Adsense.
However in the log of which today we talked see other potential opportunities for long-term monetization could be even more profitable:
I think it's a blog with great possibilities of making infomercials to display products of some companies. For example on cosmetics. I do not know how it works exactly the hiring process in that niche but the first step here would be to have a good level of traffic and a strong presence in social networks.
In addition to being a personal and non-commercial blog can be a good candidate for companies increasingly invest in this type of advertising. (A good idea may be to contact them by social networks to ask directly).
Tradedoubler affiliate
Again another good option monetization could be selling affiliate products that the author knows and can recommend to your audience. Entering some pages Tradedoubler you can find advertisers almost any subject, so I guess about cosmetic products also have companies interested in this type of advertising.
Amazon Affiliates
The model of selling affiliate products on Amazon works quite well in those blogs that open and recommend certain books. An interesting option ete case could be made Amazon affiliate and recommend buying books from Amazon facilitate the links you.
I think the commissions range around 7% per book sold, are not very high, but may be an option that will join the other former monetization.
These were some tips on Google Adsense and some possible ways of monetizing blog of Mide. If you enjoyed or been useful ... Share it! ?See you soon.

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